Families with kids grades 1-8 (siblings welcome) join together for a week of adventure and Christian fellowship in New Beginnings Ranch, Moab UT, and surrounding areas.
Elementary Age Family G4G
New Beginnings Ranch August 9-16, 2023 Geared for Families with kids 1st-8th gradeItinerary: In planning stage Activities: will include day hike with nature scavenger hunt, Mountain Hike, Rappelling, Climbing, games for youth and simple nature crafts. Cost: $475-cabin/NBR camper per family up to 4. (+$75 each additional member over age 4.) $375-tenting family up to 4. (+$75 each additional member over 4 years of age.) Cost covers vegetarian/vegan options meals (breakfast, sack lunch and cooked supper), activities and lodging. |